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Title Words _____ Finding
Setter Apex
Series The Listener
Number 2957
Date 23/06/1988
Grid 12×12 barred grid with almost 180° symmetry; the central square in column 1 is horizontally unchecked and contains D, while the symmetrically opposite square is vertically unchecked. The four corner ssquares are missing. Clues are given as Perimeter Definitions (part of the preamble, and listed under the headings Across and Down.
Preamble The puzzle is made up of five sections and each section contributes a further clue or clues (one is singular) which, if spotted, should enable the solver to complete the title and fully understand the puzzle. The title and clues should be entered in the second diagram.
PERIMETER—definitions with one letter misprinted in each. The five sections are as follows:
1. The perimeter (clockwise) and 25ac contain fourteen words connected by a theme; definitions with one letter misprinted in each, are given to the first eleven words; if the diagram is filled in correctly, the remaining three words will appear at 25ac.
2. Answers to seven normal PLAYFAIR (P) clues are to appear in the diagram in code according to a code-square with a key-word which has to be discovered.
In a Playfair code-square, letters of the key-word, eg BOXING DAY, in which no letter recurs, precede the rest of the alphabet in order, I doing duty for I and J. To encode a word, split it into pairs of letters thus: SQ UA RI NG. If letters of a pair occur in same rank in the square, use letters to the right of each (for last letter of rank use first letter): if in same column use the letters below each (for bottom letter of column use top letter), otherwise treat them as limits of diagonals of a rectangle and use the limits of opposite diagonals (UA = VD, not DV, which = AU) Result: MRVDWYBC. Most of the letters in their encoded forms can be found from interlocking words. Comparison of these with their letters in their normal forms yields some code equations, from which the code-square used is to be deduced, the remaining squares of diagram then to be completed.
3. Answers to eleven LETTERS LATENT (LL) clues have one letter omitted from each; definitions (lengths indicated by numbers in brackets) refer to the unmutilated answers; subsidiary indications refer to the mutilated forms entered in the diagram.
4. Thirteen MISPRINTS (M) clues have one letter misprinted in each definition.
5. Thirteen PRINTER'S DEVILRY (PD) clues are passages from which the printer has removed a hidden answer, closing the gap, taking liberties perhaps with punctuation and spacing, but not disturbing the order of the remaining letters. Example: 'One hears the Bach concert conducted by Bernstein (6); Answer: ESTATE. 'One hears the best at each concert conducted by Bernstein'. Each passage when complete makes sense.
Chambers (1983) is recornniended.
Solution NotesReveal Solution & Keywords
Acknowledgements Preamble and solution notes © 2024 The Times. Reproduced with permission.
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