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Title Count Down to Re-entry
Setter Shackleton
Series The Listener
Number 3887
Date 22/07/2006
Grid 12×13 barred grid with 180° symmetry. Seven squares contain an asterisk.
Preamble Each clue contains a misprint of one letter in the definition. The correct letters in the across clues explain how the conflicts in the seven asterisked squares (including the one in 22A) are to be resolved initially. The correct letters in the down clues, the first ten of which are listed out of numerical order, provide a second helpful message (see below). Once the letters in the four unclued entries of length four have been determined, they must be encoded using a Playfair code square, the code word to be discovered; the resulting entries allow four loosely related individuals to appear in the completed grid. The "answer" at 22A is similarly related to those four, and its entry must be revamped in accordance with the second message, thereby allowing a triumphant re-entry of the true star of this puzzle. Chambers Dictionary (2003) is the primary reference.
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Acknowledgements Preamble and solution notes © 2024 The Times. Reproduced with permission.
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