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Title The Sixties
Setter Aragon
Series Enigmatic Variations
Number 683
Date 27/11/2005
Grid 13×13 barred grid with 180° symmetry.
Preamble Solvers must identify three titles from a series that began in the sixties. The first is represent by the unclued entry at 13; the second forms the missing part of the clue 12 and should be written below the grid. A third (originally encoded) should be discovered at 1A and 46 using the extra definitions in fifteen down clues to amend most of the intersecting down answers. Fifteen across clues contain an extra word. These combine, one way or another, to give names associated with the other titles. Chambers (2003) is recommended.
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Acknowledgements Preamble and Solution Notes reproduced with permission. © The Telegraph Group 2024.
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