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Title Hidden Philosophy
Setter Xanthippe
Series The Listener
Number 4409
Date 30/07/2016
Grid Four 7×7 grids, each missing the square nearest the centre of the group and connected to its horizontal or vertical neighbour by a single square. The gris are labelled A, B, C and D. Clues are listed under the headings A Across, A DownD Across, D Down.
Preamble Each quadrant has three thematic answers clued by wordplay only, entered as suggested by an extra word in one of the three clues. The remaining clues have a different gimmick in each quadrant. For A, solvers must remove two letters from each clue (leaving real words) before solving; these letters, in order, say what to do for the clues in B. Similarly, B's clues deliver an instruction for C, C for D, and D for the finish. The Chambers Dictionary (2016) is the primary reference; one answer is an abbreviation.
Solution NotesReveal Solution & Keywords
Acknowledgements Preamble and solution notes © 2024 The Times. Reproduced with permission.
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